A-Rod Spotted at High Stakes Poker Game Last Week: Seen at Mohegan Sun

Just weeks after reports surfaced that Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) was accused of taking part in underground celebrity high stakes poker games linked to an elaborate ponzi scheme, the New York Yankees slugger has been spotted at another high stakes poker game at the Mohegan Sun casino.
A-Rod was spotted last Monday in a high-stakes gaming room at the Mohegan Sun casino in the Poconos, the New York Post reported.
Throwing caution to the wind, A-Rod showed up at the casino at about 8 p.m. local time, workers told The Post.
They said Rodriguez had a steak dinner and then entered a special high-roller gaming room with two pals.
Star-struck Poconos gamblers tried to chat A-Rod up as he passed through the casino, but witnesses said he and his pals did not want to be hassled by gawkers.
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"I saw a few women approach his entourage to get a picture with him, but they were turned down and told to 'keep walking.' It was sad seeing that," a blackjack dealer said.
Rodriguez is slated to meet with the Major League Baseball Commissioner in the coming days to discuss his alleged participation in the poker games.
A lawsuit contends that hedge fund manager Brad Ruderman caused some investors to lose their life savings as part of a complex ponzi scheme and at least $300,000 of that money went to Spiderman star Toby Maguire.
The Spiderman actor won that amount through his participation in clandestine underground high stakes poker games that were part of the scam. Other celebrities named in connection with the high stake poker games include A-Rod, Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon.
- Ace King, Gambling911.com