Sheltered by a Heavy Set Jewish Mum, Sorel Mizzi Insists ‘I’m Not The Person I Was In The Past’

Canadian poker pro Sorel Mizzi has surfaced following accusations that he may have been caught cheating (again). While nothing has been proven, Mizzi’s past improprieties resulted in the popular forum lighting up with speculation. Moderators have since locked the thread, while allowing it to remain. The foregone conclusion being there is no smoking gun.
It all began with these two posts that also make mention of other key figures in the poker community, most notably PokerStars pro Liv Boeree:
Originally Posted by StillDoingIt View Post
Sorel Mizzi final tabled the most recent WCOOP event under the name bindernutnut. Karma prevailed and he eventually finished 9th. Speculation that he was using multiple accounts is not yet confirmed nor is the speculation that he has been doing this for a long time has been confirmed yet.
He played the tournament from his place in Las Vegas using a VPN.
Perhaps the most shocking part of the story is that one of his best friends Rory Brown also final tabled the event and Sorel spoke with him about strategy in the final table and offered to help him out both before the final table started and live.
London Royals manager and PokerStars pro Liv Boeree knew all about this and is one of the people on Sorels side (not telling her employers PokerStars) and putting it down to mental problems on Sorels side. Many other pros know about this and it has been gossip within the high stakes circles in Las Vegas for the last months.
Antonio Esfandiari and other former friends of Sorel have turned on him and asked him to repay all debts.
All of the above is factual, the suggestions that he has always continued to multi account playing via VPNs and betrayed more of his friends is simply unconfirmed speculation.
It would not surprise me if he has multiple accounts in today's Sunday majors. I think Liv should be pushed to make this public to PokerStars and the money won on this confirmed (to her and others) and other accounts that he is using should be confiscated.
Originally Posted by StillDoingIt View Post
There is no "proof". Liv knew all along and when it got out she defended him and was on his side.
It is common knowledge in the high stakes community. You won't see him at any super high rollers, the guys who were buying pieces in him have completely written him off, he owed a lot of money and sold his place in Vegas to pay back all the debts he has from complete degeneracy. Antonio put the word out when he found out about this.
By the way this was the WCOOP main event, he cashed over 100,000 on this account and who knows how much on other accounts. Since this came out he doesn't have a single cash on Hendon Mob and I guess he didn't go to PCA to play the high rollers there. Anybody who is anybody knows they are the softest tournaments on the year for high rollers. Last year he came 4th in the $100k.
If you check his Twitter he has close to zero tweets between November-February. In February he made a post "new goal - no more drugs".
I have no idea how he does he but he has a system to play on multiple accounts from the States. He won 6 figures and Liv knows about this. I think Stars should treat this with very high importance. It came out after his life time ban on PokerStars/Full Tilt that he was playing on 6+ accounts (Full Tilt employee posted this was true in the thread where he was cheating people at Chinese poker)
Liv response to this is quite laughable. "Post burning man schizophrenia" you can't make this up.
As far as I know Rory (Mr Kingball - 6th place finisher) spoke to Sorel before the final table and explained his reads/strategy on all players including Sorel (he didn't k ow it was Sorel of course) but didn't allow him to see his screen while the final table ran)
He found out afterwards and is obviously extremely pissed about it.
Their should be extreme pressure put on Stars to make the lifetime ban lifetime as well as doing an investigation into what Liv knew and knows.
On Saturday, Mizzi admitted to making mistakes in the past but that “the past DOES NOT equal the future”.
Without directly addressing the concerns raised on the TwoPlusTwo forum, Mizzi expressed deep regret for his past misgivings.
“While it’s true I was involved in some nefarious acts early in life– that was a long time ago. I’m a grown man now.
“I’m 29 years old and turning 30 in April. It’s time to be an adult and take responsibility for my actions. So I’d like to offer my sincerest apologies to all the people in the past that I’ve hurt in any way.”
“Growing up, I was sheltered from the world + raised in an environment where my parents gave me an incredible amount of love. I had virtually no responsibilities. I never had to fight my own battles because I have a strong and supportive family that did it for me.
“I remember being bullied in elementary school. I’d come home to my mom and she would interrogate me. Once she found out, she would go to my school and start yelling at the kids who were involved. Can you imagine? A heavy set jewish woman yelling at 8 year old kids? My mom is an incredibly strong + opinionated woman and my dad a good natured + good hearted man.
“Lately, I’ve been taking some time off poker and working on relationship with my family. It’s a good thing that time moves forward + life goes on.
“I am NOT the person I was in the past- I’m the person who has learned from those mistakes and is moving forward. It’s never too late to do the right thing.”
- Nagesh Rath,