Tatjana Pasalic, Patrik Antonius, Tom Dwan Sexy Poker Players

Thus far I have presented readers of Gambling911.com with three of 2010's Sexiest Poker Player nominees. They are Phil Hellmuth, Erica Schoenberg and Tatjana Pasalic.
Sorry Phil, I love ya, but while you're still technically in the game, you need more backing so I encourage readers to vote for Phil Hellmuth here.
Erica has gotten some good feedback thus far but it is Tatjana Pasalic who is getting all the love. Plus she's a Gambling911.com fan so that earned her brownie points.
I'll be interviewing Tatjana soon so watch for that.
This series is becoming so popular that I'm going to start presenting more poker players in one foul swoop.
Patrik Antonius is by far one of the sexiest poker players. I mean seriously, what planet is this guy from where they are born with those types of cheek bones? Even I, Jenny Woo, would be a 7 ½ standing next to Patrik Antonius. Speaking of 7 ½, I hear his package is a little bit bigger than that.
The cons of Patrik Antonius. Well there aren't any that I can think of. What? A hair is out of place from time to time. Also I think he might shave his body hair, which makes him just an 18 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Tom Durrr Dwan is my next nominee for Sexy Poker Players. He even has a hot girlfriend now but I predict 10 years from now he'll be married to a guy named Waldo.
Those eye brows are the giveaway and the way he carries himself. It's also what makes Tom Durrrr Dwan sexy.
Did I mention that both Tom and Patrik are pretty well off now due to their online poker careers.
Both these men can go bluffin with my muffin any time, any day of the week.
Add your comments below and, as always, let's get some more recommendations for my list.
Upcoming: Maria Ho, Vanessa Rousso, Christina Lindley, Tiffany Michelle, Joe Sebok.
Jenny Woo, Gambling911.com Senior International Correspondent