Use Poker Tournaments To Increase Traffic On Your Pay Per Head Site
Do You Know How To Use Poker Tournaments To Increase Traffic On Your Pay Per Head Site? If you are a severe bookie, then you know how important it is to have enough traffic on your site.
It translates to ‘vig,' yes, more money and that means your pay per head business is doing great. However, it is a challenge to satisfy all your clients. You see, your pay per head site is not regional. In as much as it might receive many clients from a specific country let us say where the website is based, it does not make the site regional.
A pay per head site is indeed an international tool, a platform that allows players from all over the world to enjoy their different games and at the end of the day, they leave 10% of their total on your pay per head site. But now, what will you do to those clients who in one way or another are never interested in sports betting?
You cannot aptly say that they are not there. The answer is that they are presents, and in fact, many people visit your site in search of individual games apart from sports betting but when they don’t see their preferred game or sport, they back off. What can you do? It is simple! To illustrate, when a shop owner sells bread and whenever a client buys one, they always ask for honey, butter or even cheese. What would a shop owner do?
It is common sense that he/she should see to it that it is fitting to stock what clients need. The same can be said of online bookie business. If there are clients who come to your site in search of poker, give them. Introduce online poker on your pay per head site. You will be surprised by the number of referrals you will receive. And as you well know, as traffic grows on your site, so does revenue.
Again, it is something that professional bookie have noted. Poker players are usually very much committed to their game. Yes, they are very competitive especially if they are heavy rollers. Give them what they want, and you will be surprised with the results in your pocket. After all, aren’t they paying for the games they are seeking? What is it that deters you from giving them what they want? Learn more about adding poker tournaments at Besides, don’t you get profit out of their serious commitment to the game? If the answer is yes, then you must provide a platform together with what your clients need.