Bill Belichick Sex Tape Rumors Make SpyGate Look Like Disney

A former writer for Patriots Football Weekly is claiming on his new website that New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick had sex with a married woman and the session was video taped. Belichick last season came under fire for a different video tape controversy, one where he was accused of secretly video taping opposing teams, specifically the New York Jets. The event was widely classified as "New England Spygate".
Tommy Rider writes at his new venture as part of what seems to be a provocative kiss and tell of sorts.
--Hold on for this one: I heard from someone who is close to the case that there is a sex tape of Bill Belichick banging the married woman he had an affair with. I s*** you not. The husband who is suing that woman for being unfaithful to him has a tape of his wife and Belichick screwing while the two of them were still married. Belichick is a very powerful man so I imagine he's doing everything in his power to squash this from getting out but it could only be a matter of time. A part of me doesn't want to see it but another part of me can't help but be intrigued.
--Belichick is the best, most well prepared coach on the planet. If you are a Patriots fan, you should love him regardless. However, he's a miserable person. I wish I could say otherwise but I can't. I've seen him on the road, I've flown on planes with him, I've stayed in the same hotels with him and I've seen him interact with others on numerous occasions. He's just miserable
PreGame is run by Randy J. Bell and also features sports contributor Tony George.
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Don Shapiro,