eSports and Online Gambling: The Perfect Marriage

( Gambling News Wire) – For the first time in its history, the European iGaming & Congress (EiG) will host a panel to discuss the emergence of eSports and its potential in the world of online gambling.
The conference will be held in Berlin on October 20-22 with the panel featuring Unikrn CEO Rahul Sood and Pinnacle Sportsbook Head Marco Blume. Both betting companies currently offer wagering on most major eSports events.
“The big difference between eSports and traditional sport events is that eSports scale almost indefinitely,” Blume said in an interview with SBC.
“In the future you will most likely be able to watch high quality, competitive matches close to 365 days a year. The barrier to entry in eSports in our society is also very low, with the internet being a common commodity and a variety of devices allowing people to play
“I believe what we are seeing right now in eSports is just the beginning. The eSports generation is just growing up, but it is clear that the demand is huge.”
Blume believes that the next step for the gaming industry will be to roll out live eSports on a large scale.
“Pinnacle has several traders specialising on offering live eSports events,” he said. “The gaming industry today is all about betting live and mobile.”
- Alistair Prescott,