Pay Per Head Agents - Drum Up 2018 Olympics Action With Medal Totals

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The 2018 Winter Olympics are less than a month away. The Winter Olympics start on February 9. The final day of the Olympics is on Feb. 25. That gives online bookie agents plenty of days to promote Winter Olympic Events.

Leading up to the game, agents should promote 2018 Winter Olympic Futures. Check out the 4 current Winter Olympic medal count future wagers.

Then, keep reading for info on what agents should do to manage Winter Olympic future betting.

Winter Olympics 2018 – Medal Table

Germany                     +225

USA                            +250

Norway                       +300

Canada                                    +500


Winter Olympics 2018 – Most Gold Medals

Norway                       +150

Germany                     +160

USA                            +500

Canada                                    +700


Total Number of Canada Gold Medals

Over 8.5 Gold Medals                        -105

Under 8.5 Gold Medals          -125


Total Number of USA Gold Medals

Over 10.5 Gold Medals          -130

Under 10.5 Gold Medals        Even

What Pay Per Head Agents Should Do

Set Max Betting Limits – It goes without writing that pay per head agents must set max betting limits. If they don’t, things could get awfully sketchy even before the Olympics start.

Although Winter Olympics futures don’t present huge betting opportunities, there’s another factor involving the Winter Olympics that could lead to big future betting action.

Pride. Canadian sports bettors, as an example, are going to jump all over the -105 odds on the Canada to win more than 8.5 goals.

USA sports bettors are going to lay tons of money on the U.S. to win more than 10.5 goals.

The way to manage betting on Winter Olympic futures is to simply set individual max betting limits. Individual max betting limits allow players to only bet up to a certain amount on each Olympic future.

Take Future Bets Off the Board – At times, it might be necessary to take future bets off the board. Pay per head agents can determine whether it’s time to take a future bet off the board based on their limit for accepting action.

If the limit for accepting action on USA to win the most medals at +250 is $10,000, once the agent has accepted $10,000 in wagers on USA, they should take USA off the board.

How to Drum Up Winter Olympic Medal Count Betting Action

Many players, especially horseplayers, live by a simple rule: let the odds guide you. What the rule means is that when in doubt, players bet on the proposition offering higher odds.

This is true when it comes to making future bets on the Winter Olympics.

Agents should promote Winter Olympic futures by discussing the odds. On a $1,000 bet on USA at +250, the payout is $3,500. That’s pretty good.

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