Steve McNair Death Still a Mystery

NFL quarterback Steve McNair gave back to the community and for that he was beloved by many fans.
Many have trouble comprehending the tragedy that took place this weekend.
From USA Today:
The news and circumstances of McNair's slaying dampened Fourth of July celebrations Saturday in Music City. He was found in his condominium Saturday afternoon, shot four times. The body of 20-year-old Sahel Kazemi- a waitress with whom the married father of four sons was having an affair - also lay dead from a single gunshot. A gun, thought to be the murder weapon, was found under her body, police said.
Reports surfaced that Kazemi had gone from driving a Kia to a Cadillac Escalade since meeting up with McNair.
In Nashville on Sunday, the questions swirled: Was McNair the victim of a murder-suicide carried out by a girlfriend? Or were they the victims of an unknown killer?
Nashville Metro police spokesman Don Aaron said there was no question that McNair, the NFL's 2003 co-MVP, was a homicide victim. But authorities were investigating how to classify Kazemi's death. Aaron said she had one bullet wound, to the side of the head.
The implication there is that Kazemi may have killed McNair, then herself, but other scenarios have not yet been ruled out.
"From what we've learned from friends, they apparently were involved in a dating relationship over the past several months," Aaron said. "We have already begun talking to friends of Miss Kazemi and Mr. McNair in an effort to ascertain (whether they were) having any squabbles, and if so why. That's a very important part of the investigation as we work toward classifying Miss Kazemi's death." Staff