Will The Pay Per Head Businesses Be Offering Betting on the Olympics?

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Not all, but some, Pay Per Head operations will be offering a rather extensive betting menu for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil, including Gambling911.com-endorsed PremierPerHead.

As of press time, it was not immediately known if live in-play wagering will be available for certain events (i.e. basketball, boxing, etc.).

Premierperhead.com has become a leader in the Pay Per Head industry faster than most. This is a result  of their attention to detail and decades of experience on both sides of the business.

Their "by bookies, for bookies" approach gives agents the piece of mind that their business will run smooth 24/7.

Additionally, PremierPerHead offers American customer service as well as live in-game wagering for every game, every day.

Sharp monitoring, mobile wagering, state-of-the-art bookie software and customized lines are additional benefits offered by PremierPerHead. 

Ask about their special starting rates here.

- Aaron Goldstein, Gambling911.com

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