Google Insists on Mobile Friendliness

Have you ever wondered why you can do a Google search on your desktop computer and get different results when searching the same key words on your mobile phone? This has to do with what’s going on behind the scenes with not only various websites but also the backend of Google.
The first issue related to searches has to do with the devices being used. It’s no surprise that most of us are using our smartphones when exploring the internet whether a random question popped into your mind, like “why is water wet”, or you’re on the hunt for an online casino bonus or even the cure for a virus that infected your computer when you clicked on that mashed potato recipe last week.
Search engines must adjust along with current technology to ensure that websites are “mobile friendly”, specifically with regard to Android phones as they go hand in hand with Google.
Mobile friendly refers to those websites that are optimized for mobile use. This means that the entire layout of the site will fit in perfectly no matter which mobile device you use. Many of us know the struggle of clicking on a site that doesn’t support mobile use and it is very real. You’ve got to turn your phone upside down or stand on your head to try to view it properly.
In November, Google added a mobile friendly label to mobile search result so users know prior to selecting it. Along with this came Google indexing, which brought mobile apps up to the top of searches.
Fast forward to February 2015 when Google announced that mobile friendliness will start to affect rankings. You can imagine the webmasters scrambling to get this done by the April 21st deadline. Among those fast acting folks are the people behind the website, who made it happen three weeks ahead of the deadline. How did they do it? Well, there are a few options and a pretty straightforward guide to getting this done.
The first thing to do is test your site with a simple Google Mobile-Friendly Test available at Chances are you already know the answer so the next step is determining how to comply with this change and figure this mobile optimization thing out. Webmasters can accomplish this through a third party software provider, if they’re working with one or if they’d like to launch an entirely new site. Another option is to follow the Google’s DIY guide to getting started and mobile SEO. The last option is to find a developer to handle the entire process from start to finish and Google even offers advice when choosing this route.
The second part of the February announcement includes App Indexing. To the average person this is some techy language that means nothing to us but it is actually critical to how websites will run going forward. Many websites have apps so App Indexing requires webmasters to work some magic behind the scenes to bring users directly to their site by recognizing that they have the app installed.
What does all of this mean to you as a user? From April 21st, each Google search done using your Android device will not only include mobile friendly results but also push your most valuable information to the top. Searching mashed potato recipes will never be the same.
The mobile website is launching in May.