Get Daily Sportsbook Management Tips To Increase NBA Profits

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Now that the NFL Regular Season is over, it’s time for pay per head agents to look for other ways to increase profit. One of those ways is to promote NBA betting.

Daily NBA Sportsbook Management Tips

Check out 5 top tips for sportsbook operators to increase profit on hardcourt games. Remember, all the tools and features mentioned below are provided through PayPerHead’s Prime Package.

Right now, you can get a 3-week trial for just $3 per head. Find out what a premium sportsbook solution can do for your business.

1. Use the layoff account

NBA lines are set either late the following night or early the morning of the games. Bookies don’t have time to study every game. It makes no sense to shun the layoff account because strange things can happen right before tipoff.

Use the layoff account on every NBA game. Just don’t mess with players who are NBA betting experts.

2. Set max betting limits on NBA moneylines

Moneyline upsets happen all the time.Set max betting limits on every NBA betting moneyline. The reason’s because each NBA team plays 82 games during the regular season.

The payouts can be huge because once a team feels it has no shot of winning, coaches often pull their best players.

3. Set schedule limit overrides on NBA games

For you to effectively use your layoff account, you must set overrides on NBA games. The best override to set is 10 minutes before tip-off that should allow you, the online bookie, to use your layoff account on the game.

If you set an override too far in advance, you run the risk of not garnering any action on the game. No action, means no chance of profit.

If you schedule an override too close to tip-off, you risk getting shut out of using your layoff account if it’s necessary. 10 minutes makes sense. If you can push it to 5 minutes before tip-off, do that.

4. Promote nationally televised NBA games

ESPN and TNT broadcast NBA games throughout the week and on the weekends. So does the NBA Network. Make sure to promote nationally televised games.

Casual players are more likely to wager on games they can watch while some pro players might take a look if they too can watch the game.

PayPerHead’s Prime Package offers the TV Listing tool, an easy way to see what games are coming up so that you can promote them.

5. Promote NBA only parlays

Speaking of nationally televised games, they’re perfect to spearhead promoted parlays. Choose the most difficult to handicap games on a Saturday, make sure to include the ABC or ESPN nationally televised matchups, and promote a parlay that you’re in control of.

The NBA might not bring in as much action as college ball in March, but with the right promotions, to the right players, it’s a great way to continue earning profits as NFL Regular season comes to an end.

Learn About PayPerHead’s Prime Package Today—Build Your Sportsbook Empire!

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