FIFA Investigates Australia Bid Officials, FIFA Vice President

As we head into the semi-finals of the 2010 FIFA World Cup we are learning that FIFA is conducting an investigation surrounding the Australian team
So much controversy around this year's World Cup, but it is to be expected with such a huge international event. Everything from the France team imploding to whether instant replay should be used following a number of severely botched calls by referees and now this...
FIFA confirmed on Wednesday that it is investigating allegations that Australian World Cup bid officials handed out jewelery and offered to cover travel costs in order to win votes ahead of December's vote on the destination of the 2022 finals.
The World Cup bid team is accused of deliberately misleading the Australian government and concealing some A$11.37million ($9.61million) worth of fees and bonuses to two of its bid consultants.
The World Cup bid team reportedly gave the wife of FIFA vice-president Jack Warner a pearl necklace last year after a complaint from Warner that she had missed out on pearl jewellery given 14 months before to the wives of other FIFA officials.
FIFA rules specify that gifts must be "incidental or symbolic" in value.
Alistair Prescott,