’s Media Man Greg Tingle Targeted By Crim

G'day punters. Here's some serious news on our very own Media Man down under, who has became the latest victim in a serious of social media and internet defamatory and fake website - brand hijacking matters. Yep, the Media Man - the media agent, PR king and portal developer with a background in journalism has become the news in this Gambling911 exclusive and breaking story. Legal eagles, Joe and all should find this very interesting. We also alert readers that the 3 main website portals for Media Man are Media Man Int Media Man and Casino News Media Media Man has over 30 website portals, but those are his main 3 brands. After reading the article you will see why we mention this. Greg is also planning to launch an official Greg Tingle official website to help clear up the confusion , and no, before you ask us, he does not have a criminal record, and is a hard working journalist and media agent, who sometimes has reported crims to legal authorities, and that appears to be the root of the problem, getting the attention of one Aussie crim nutcase stalker. Enjoy the read.
Social Media Websites Haven For Lies; Criminals Love Internet...Media Man Targeted By Crim!...
We all know the stories. Crims use social media to stalk the journalists and media who helped lock them up, stories the manager will share when complaining about their employees. There is the one with the salesman who scans Twitter for hours. And then there is the pap who harasses a other photographers online. And of course there is the ubiquitous case of the worker that slams the employer on LinkedIn and is fired, thus exacting a morale-busting toll on the employee, the workplace, and the organization. From workplace chaos to conduit for stalking, harassment and other criminal activity, the rise of social networking has its supporters and its detractors. While some lament the greater bandwidth demands, virus/Trojan infiltration, and social engineering (identity theft) issues that can pummel a company’s computer network and employees, along with sapping of productivity and channel for co-worker harassment, others point to the teamwork and mental break productivity enhancement outcome. On the flip side, for some enterprises, the ever expanding world of Facebook and their ilk has encroached into the workplace with devastating professional and personal consequences. Can the likes of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and FourSquare be improved? Yes.
A Media Man staffer shared "Social media has overall been great for us. For media, celebrities, photos, multimedia, sharing mainstream news and even casino and poker news. However, we can also now that that a crime tried to do ID theft against us and has also used a number of social media websites in an attempted to defame us. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Blogger and all took action to close the fake accounts, but we are still waiting I.R.O.C2 to close the fake account and lies, defamation and the like. Some crims also do what is known as "brand hijacking" and create fake brand websites. For the record our company is known as both Media Man Australia, Media Man, and our main gaming brands are Casino News Media and Global Gaming Directory. For the record none of the staff or management at Media Man Australia or Media Man International have criminal records. There is however one or two jealous people out there who have created fake profiles and lies, and they are fame seekers or the worst kind. The Australian Federal Police and InterPol have been notified, as well as legal eagles and appropriate web hosting companies. Stay tuned for more on the real Greg Tingle from the real Media Man and real Media Man Australia"!
Steve Cooke, sports, golf and lifestyle entrepreneur, and long time Media Man friend and associate in Scotland, who is familiar with the 'Maas Bar' crim, remains glued to the internet following the nutters second attempt to piss off the Media Man and his media and internet army. Steve also helped spread the word of the stalkers lies, assisting legal authorities and social media website head honchos around the globe.
Tingle and his many media and internet mates call the cyber stalker "Maars Bar", "Woman From Planet Maas" and "Virgin Star Wantabee", a reference to both a snack bar, their surname (one of their many we understand) and a court case years ago which saw Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Enterprises Limited get a court order to get another knock of website... "Virgin Star" taken off the air, and forced to close. Insiders tip the cyber crim "Maars Bar" will soon enough be back behind baars.
Background Information On The Cyber Crim Case Targeted Against Our Friend And Reporter Greg Tingle By "Maas Bar"
'Publicist attacked by poison pen'... (Media Man International) (Media Man Australia) (B&T)
the real Greg Tingle (in case anyone got confused)
Take the time to research and learn games before placing down money
Media Man Media Man Australia and Casino News Media and Gambling911 are website portals. Not casinos as such, however are recognised as world leading websites that cover the sector and act as central points to games, news, reviews and more.
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*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company.
*The writer owns shares in Crown Casino, Virgin and Network Ten