Gaming News Network Looks To Become CNN Of Gambling

Written by:
Aaron Goldstein
Published on:
Gaming News Network

Two men are looking to help launch the Gaming News Network, a 24-hour gambling news cable enterprise that would be part CNN, part ESPN and part Travel Channel. Jeff Voyles and Randy Zinkil, with the help of gaming backers, are in the midst of touting their product to Cox and other cable providers nationwide.

Voyles, a UNLV professor, first thought up the concept when wading through various online industry news publications.

“It just didn’t make sense, going through all this stuff,” he said. “If I took all this content and put it in a 24-hour news format, I could coordinate a less fragmented delivery of this information.”

Voyles also owns a company that develops table games and marketing strategies for casinos, Gaming Network.

But as the Las Vegas Sun has rightfully pointed out, “entrepreneurs have failed over the years, burning through millions of dollars and disappearing as surely as an aging hotel by the wrecking ball”.

Voyles is undaunted.

“This is not like sports or finance, where you can easily find experts all over the world,” he said. “This is a very specialized industry.”

Breaking news and stock market segments to appeal to the news and industry crowd would feature prominently on the gaming channel, Voyles said.

He also points out that television cameras and editing equipment cost a fraction of the price of what they used to back when CNN and Fox News first went on the air, making a media enterprise more affordable,

More than 60 million people visited U.S. casinos in 2009, generating around $30 billion a year.  His network would be expected to focus on the Internet sector as well, which is considered to be in the multi-billion dollar range and responsible for the surge of the poker industry in recent years.

- Aaron Goldstein, 

Gambling News
