MGM to Develop First Online Casino Game by June: Chairman Says Federal Law Not Happening

MGM Resorts International is looking to release its first online casino game next month (June 2012).
Chairman James Murren referred to the game as “Casino Mogul”, however, partners of the firm have not decided on an official name as of yet.
"Internet gaming is here!” Murren declared at the 19th annual Southern Gaming Summit.
Of course, Internet gaming for many has been around for the better part of 15 years but MGM has yet to take the bull by the horns. But this year, the state of Nevada finally passed a law regulating intrastate online gambling. Murren hopes federal legislation will be passed in the not-so-distant future.
"It is better at every level than a state-by-state solution," he said. "You can more accurately regulate, enforce, tax. You can have a better crime prevention component to it."
"It will be here this year," Murren said of Internet gaming. "It won't be here likely at a federal level because the federal government is doing what they are best at ˜ nothing at all.
"It will be done at a state-by-state level and we will be actively engaged."
The odds of federal legislation being passed remain slim, according to Murren.
"And if it isn‚t happening don't blame Sen. (Harry) Reid," Murren said. "Blame the House Republicans. That‚s where it is being held up."
- Aaron Goldstein,