Washington State Lawmakers Want to Legalize Fantasy Sports

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Washington State Lawmakers Want to Legalize Fantasy Sports

OLYMPIA, Wash. — (Associated Press) - Lawmakers in Washington state - home to the defending Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks - may legalize gambling on fantasy football by classifying fantasy sports as games of skill.

The state Senate Commerce and Labor Committee held a hearing on the legislation Friday. Meeting on what Seahawks fans call Blue Friday, several senators wore Seahawks shirts and team scarves.

Gambling on real football games is illegal in Washington. In fantasy sports, players pretend they are team owners and compete based on statistics generated by real players.

Republican Sen. Pam Roach of Auburn, the bill's sponsor, said she wants to legalize a common football-fan hobby without expanding gambling. Committee members questioned whether Washington ought to draw a line between leagues that reset each day and season-long leagues. Day-to-day leagues are legal in 45 states.

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