Carbon Poker Fixed Limit Poker Rake Improvements Announced

Fully admitting their limit rake structure has not necessarily been in line with the rest of the online gambling industry, Carbon Poker on Tuesday announced fixed limit poker rake improvements that should make players more than happy.
Instrumental in the push to see these changes move forward: CarbonRyan and CarbonChris, both representatives that assist members of the popular posting forums.
From CarbonRyan:
For quite some time, we at CarbonPoker have been lobbying hard to have this changed. Working with our partners at Drag The Bar, Hunter Bick in particular, we have put many hours into the review of our current structure, competitive analysis throughout the industry, and with discussions with some of our most loyal customers.
All of this hard work by Hunter and our team has finally paid dividends, with Merge now agreeing to our request for change. The approval was given the green light a couple of weeks ago, and after final review and QA testing, will finally been pushed live into the game client at 12am tomorrow morning.
There were initially reports that this change would only apply to Limit Hold’em games. This, while true at the time, is no longer the case. Whilst we were reviewing the LHE structure, we were also reviewing all other limit variations as well. We just were not certain that we would be able to roll out a change across all limit game variations at the same time. Thankfully, those fears were put to rest, and this change will now be made across all fixed limit game variations, such as; Omaha, Omaha8, 5-Stud, 7-Stud, Stud H/L8, Razz, HORSE, HA, HOSE, SHOE, HO, A-5 Lowball, 2-7 Lowball, 5-Draw, 5-Draw w/Joker, HAR, RASH. Thanks also go to Big Bad Babar from 2+2 that spent lots of time and effort putting together some mixed game competitive analysis.
Overall, we are exceptionally happy with these changes that Merge are making, and feel that it will now puts us in a position to offer some of the best value fixed limit games, in relation to any of our competitors, worldwide.
The new structure can be found here.
- Chris Costigan, Publisher