Jennifer Harman a Bitch, Matt Savage a Wussy, I Turn Straight Men Gay: Who Am I?

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Tweeting more fast and furious than US President-Elect Donald Trump, one poker player at the WPT Bellagio Poker Open had a few choice words for fellow pro Jennifer Harman and poker director Matt Savage, all on Tuesday.

On Twitter, Todd Brunson, son of poker legend Doyle Brunson, called Harman a “bitch” and offered up four choices of a “real” last name for Savage, referring to that name as an “obvious misnomer”.

“Wussy” was his top choice and received nearly 30 percent of the votes.

But perhaps the highlight of the day was when a follower of Brunson’s propositioned him sexually.

“As a heterosexual man I’m developing a confusing crush on @ToddBrunson Give that man a f***ing television show. Keep the formidable beard.”

To which Brunson replied: “Finally a voice of reason”.

Last week, Brunson's dad made headlines after Donald Trump blocked the lifelong Republican on Twitter.

- Nagesh Rath,
