Big Brother Internet Laws in Australia

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Internet censorship is due to happen in Australia, just before next years election.

As most intelligent people know, when something becomes "illegal", it often becomes more popular!  In addition, tech savvy folks will always find a way to get what they want, and criminals will still find ways to commit crimes.  I seriously doubt criminals would openly conduct their criminal business activities on a basic internet service.

I for one strongly believe that people should be able to do (and watch etc) want they want in their own homes (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone).

Now the Australian government is going to make some more things "illegal" by imposing internet censorship.

Criminals will still conduct criminal acts, porn (and illegal) porn will still be obtained by those who want it, just as if someone wants to get their hands on dope, cocaine, heroin or whatever, they can sure enough get it.

History has shown the world that when things become "illegal" they go underground  ie: underground networks etc, and consumer protection is lost, and the industry becomes "hidden" and may now show up on an government report, however in many cases the industry thrives and becomes stronger than ever (but is "hidden").

Take you minds back to when prostitution was still widely illegal (still is in many places) and when gambling houses were illegal.  Did some people still pay for sex?  Did some people still visit "illegal" gambling dens?  We know the answer.

Australia's "Big Brother" has a number of agenda's, but rest assured, it is not about protecting the children.  Protecting children is largely the role of adults in the family, just as it has been from the beginning of civilisation.

I for one wouldn't be surprised if a group of switched on legal eagles and campaigners in Australia, and the world over, find a way to stop this Australian censorship rubbish once and for all.

In the meantime, for those who are into porn, gaming, fetish, religion or some other "questionable" matters which can be found on the web, get your fix (before the Australian government Thinks or Says) it will stop.  Who are the Australian government kidding.

*The writer is the founder and director of the Media Man group of companies.

I encourage everyone to read this excellent article by Asher Moses of the Age.

Greg Tingle, Special Contributor and Media Man Australia

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