Veepstakes Odds for the GOP Just Posted: Marco Rubio Favored

Written by:
Carrie Stroup
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Veepstakes Odds for the GOP Just Posted:  Marco Rubio Favored

Carrie Stroup here with important news that just opened up Republican Veepstakes odds..

Marco Rubio was coming in as the 3/1 favorite.

Other notables included Rob Portman with the next shortest odds at 5/1. Chris Christie 8/1 and Rick Santorum 10/1 were right up there as well.

For the best payouts, here were a few longshots for the GOP Veepstakes:  Condoleeza Rice 25/1, Newt 50/1 Palin 100/1.

All Veepstakes odds appear below and were courtesy of

Bob McDonnell



Bobby Jindal



Chris Christie



Condoleeza Rice



Herman Cain



Jeb Bush



Kelly Ayotte



Marco Rubio



Michele Bachmann



Mitch Daniels



Newt Gingrich



Nikki Haley



Paul Ryan



Rick Santorum



Rob Portman



Sarah Palin



Susana Martinez



Tim Pawlenty



- Carrie Stroup, Senior Reporter


Politics News
