Bookmaking Solutions Alaska

Written by:
Aaron Goldstein
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Bookmaking solutions are readily available to those living in the state of Alaska.

Start Your Own Online Sportsbook - Just Pay a Small Weekly Fee Per Player Here

Alaska sports fans tend to favor the Seattle Seahawks as their top team in the NFL overall.  The state does not have a professional sports franchise.

Since the US Supreme Court ruled to abolish decades long prohibition against sports betting, Alaska appears to have shown little interest in embracing sportsbooks, thus providing bookies and agents who operate here a competitive edge when compared with other states.

Austin Baird, a spokesperson for Gov. Bill Walker's office, confirmed that "there has been no legislative activity on this issue in Alaska."

These are just a few of the benefits of signing on with from the state of Alaska:

Full Mobile options for both agent and player

  • most payment methods in the industry, they will work around any issue
  • Dedicated servers with 99.99% uptime
  • Live betting for every game, every day
  • fully staffed call center. 0 wait time for players and agents
  • Customizable limits and profiles, offering the most control of your business
  • Set up your horse wagering platform how you would like, regardless of your size
  • Old school experience and feel as well as the newest technology and service

You will only be paying a small weekly fee per player

- Aaron Goldstein,

Business/Financial News

Pay Per Heads Let You Move Your Own Betting Lines

“Full-service” is often times an overused term in business. While it is easy to find companies that make a habit of over-promising and under-delivering on the goods or services they sell, it is the rare company that does the exact opposite.

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