A-Rod In The News: Mound Controversy, Cameron Diaz

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Tyrone Black
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Everyone loves A-Rod - Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees.  And everyone is talking about him once again this Friday.  Let's see what's being said.

A-Rod this week was embroiled in a "pitcher mound touching scandal" of sorts that's been getting plenty of play in the local press.

The New York Times breaks down what transpired:

Rodriguez, on his way back to first base after a foul ball in the sixth inning, wandered by the pitching mound.

His feet touched the rubber, and Dallas Braden took offense, telling Rodriguez to "get off my mound." Rodriguez said his piece after the game, dismissing Braden's allegations as "pretty funny, honestly" because he had no idea what he did wrong.

"I still don't know," Rodriguez said.

The fact that a 26-year-old with 50 career starts was blasting him did not sit well with Rodriguez, either. When it was relayed to him that Braden expressed his frustration to Oakland reporters, Rodriguez responded with, "Who said that?" Told that it was Braden, Rodriguez said: "Exactly. Exactly."

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Braden came a little stronger, calling it a breach of baseball etiquette for an opposing player to meander near the mound while the pitcher is still there.

"If my grandmother ran across the mound, she would have heard the same thing he heard - period," Braden said. "That's the way I handle the game and the way I handle myself on my workday. That's just the way it is. I would never disrespect anybody like that."

But what A-Rod news gawkers really want to know is:  What's going on between A-Rod and Cameron Diaz?

It seems their relationship is developing into something much more these days.

A source tells Hollywood Gossip:  "Alex recently arranged to fly Cameron to Miami. He used to fly Kate Hudson there all the time, and no one knew that they were dating for a long while."

Tyrone Black, Gambling911.com

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