Miami Heat Cool Off a Bit But Bookies Still on Guard

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Bookies, especially those in South Florida whose clients are betting the NBA, have been left shell-shocked by the Miami Heat’s sudden rise that kicked off with a 13-game win streak ahead of the All Star Break.

Regional bookies, in particular South Florida-based bookies, would be wise to take advantage of Pay Per Head platforms offering loss leaders such as LIVE IN-PLAY WAGERING and an online casino at this point.

The Heat have cooled down, covering the spread in 60 percent of their last ten games and struggling a bit to climb over that coveted .500 mark Straight Up.

Still, they’ve positioned themselves to move into Playoff contention and this could prove dangerous down the road.

Back in early February, Westgate Casino in Vegas had Miami with 500-1 odds of winning the 2017 NBA Championship after opening at 25-1.  The payout for anyone who got in on the Heat February 6 (and assuming they actually win) would be $50,000 on a $100 bet.

- Tyrone Black,

Basketball Odds News
