More Gun Problems for Gilbert Arenas is reporting that the troubled Washington Wizards star, Gilbert Arenas, has more problems to deal with involving guns.
You might recall that on January 1, 2010, it was also reported that Arenas and teammate Javaris Crittenton had unloaded guns in the Wizards' locker room during a Christmas Eve argument regarding gambling debts. The D.C. Metropolitan Police and the U.S. Attorney's office began investigating, and on January 14, 2010, Arenas was charged with carrying a pistol without a license, a violation of Washington D.C.'s gun-control laws. Arenas pleaded guilty on January 15 to the felony of carrying an unlicensed pistol outside a home or business.
Now from
"We've obtained a lawsuit filed against Arenas by Tactical Operations -- a company that sells high-end guns.
"According to the lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, Arenas bought five custom Beretta pistols with five silencers in February of 2006. Arenas paid for the guns, BUT....
"Tactical Operations claims Arenas never took possession of the weapons -- and owes the company over $70,000 in storage fees and interest."