Will the Cleveland Cavaliers Break a New 27 Consecutive Losses Record: Odds Now Up

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Dan Shapiro
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Cleveland Cavaliers 27 losses

Bookmaker.com on Thursday afternoon has released odds on whether the Cleveland Cavaliers break a new record for futility with 27 consecutive losses.  So far, their 26 losses have tied the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for the most in professional sports history. 

Bookmaker.com has made hitting the number “27” a favorite at -190 while failing to reach this milestone and winning against the Los Angeles Clippers Friday night would pay out $15 for every $10 bet.

"I'm mad as hell," said Cleveland head coach Byron Scott, who kept the postgame locker room closed for more than 30 minutes following another embarrassing loss to the Detroit Pistons. "I can deal with losing, especially when our guys play as hard as they have in the last couple weeks, but I find it very hard to deal with when guys don't come out ready to play."

"Everybody's mad as hell," guard Daniel Gibson said when told of his coach's surly mood. "To lose like that and for it to get to this point and still sometimes not see a sense of urgency, I can see why it would push you to that point. What are you going to do? It's either do it or don't.

"The guys have to figure that out."

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- Dan Shapiro, Gambling911.com

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