6 Pay Per Head Tips for the NFL Playoffs

The pay per head profit potential for online bookies during the NFL playoffs is huge, but you need enough experience and the right tactics to make the money.
These 6 strategies are given to you straight from PayPerHead.com’s exclusive new NFL profit guide for online bookies:
1. Build a Team to Win
Build your referral team by picking your 3 best players and give them the “inside scoop”: a bonus for talking to other players and getting them betting.
An inexpensive bonus to offer right now is a $10 free play (credit) for every $100 every week of the playoffs.
2. Attract Players with the Free Play
Make a budget for your free play strategy to determine how much you can afford to invest in the offer (ROI).
A perfect example you can use right now is giving a $10 free play to anyone who wagers more than $100 per game for every weekend of the NFL playoffs.
3. Size Doesn’t Matter
It’s not the size of the bets, it’s the frequency that needs the most management from you.
Know your players’ bankroll and keep them within their limits by encouraging small, frequent bets so it doesn’t feel like you’re limiting their activity.
4. Push Prop Parlays
Encourage your players to bet proposition parlays during the Super Bowl by putting together a list of different appealing combinations.
Don’t go overboard; only offer strategic parlays to certain players.
5. Live Betting FTW
Live betting has taken the top spot in the world of NFL betting, especially when you combine it with wagering from smartphones.
You can make tons of cash by texting, tweeting or emailing your players during the game with real-time suggestions.
6. Stay Balanced or You’ll Fall
Never let one game dominate your book and never let one side dominate your book.
You should also use Wednesday betting suggestions to discourage disproportionate betting ratios.
If you want more NFL bookie strategies for increasing profits, get the free guide Bookie Success Secrets: NFL Playoff Edition as part of PayPerHead.com’s Super Bowl Madness deal.