Web Based Binary Platform vs. Download: Advantages and Disadvantages

When trading Binary Options should I use a downloadable platform or one that is web-based?
Any fears related to using a web-based binary platform can be diminished in these modern times, as Hillel Fuld of DailyForex.com notes, especially as it applies to the trend towards cloud computing.
There is no denying that there are those that will debate this point, but using a platform locally on your computer might raise some problems. If your trading platform is online, it is accessible to you wherever you are. You can trade from a friend’s computer, or on the go. If your Binary Options platform requires a download, not only are you stuck trading from that specific computer, extra software on your computer is never a good thing. With industry giants like Google, Apple, and Microsoft adopting the trend of Cloud Computing, there is no reason your Binary Options Trading platform should not also make use of this new trend.
Web or browser-based platforms also allow for real-time analysis of pricing, direct access to the market and trading on the go.
When downloads are required, traders often run into compatibility issues, not to mention an increased need for space.
Still, there are advantages to downloading. The most common argument is that web-based platforms sometimes limit the ability to analyze in-depth charts and graphs.
It should be noted that the majority of brokers in the binary trading market do utilize web-based platforms.
- Aaron Goldstein, Gambling911.com