2017 NFL Streak Contest Sensation Speaks Out About 18 Wins
BetDSI.com revealed Tuesday the existence of a player who shockingly won 18 straight of his 2017 NFL Streak Contest picks, which up to this point was unheard of. Gambling911.com caught up with the gambler, who only wishes to be referred to as “Tony” at this time (for obvious reasons as so many of us are looking to become his new best friend).
BetDSI.com has been running the popular contest for five years and, during that time, no one has ever reached 21, the current 19 is the longest run ever and not every matchup on the board is available. It can range from as little as 8 selections to as many as 30.
How long have you been involved in sports gaming?
Tony: I started around 1996 so about 20 years.
What are you favorite sports/sports teams?
T: The Redskins
What is your favorite sport to handicap?
T: I don’t have a specific sport I focus on. I just watch the line and go with it. I bet on everything…so pretty much all of the sports.
Tell me about last night’s pick, were you sweating it out? Hoping the Saints would score a TD?
T: With a couple of minutes left, Brees down on the goal line, I was sweating it out. Good thing they were down by 17 points not 16, otherwise they would have gone for 2.
All of your picks during the streak outside of three have been MLB. Do you feel you have a good edge in baseball handicapping? Particularly totals?
T: I bet on everything every day, but I do like to bet on baseball. I like totals, I feel like I have an edge looking at the stats and stuff.
At what point, if any, will you start hedging your bet?
T: I thought about it. I will see when we get closer. But for now, I’ll let it ride.
When do you plan on making your next selection?
I initially selected the under 8 in tonight’s Astros/Angels game, but then I looked at the ERA and decided to go with something else. I ended up taking over 10 in the Red Sox, and that cashed by the sixth inning.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to other streak hopefuls?
T: Try and hope for the best. And always go with your gut feeling.