BetonSports Boss Keeps Strong Through Family Support and Faith

Written by:
Jenny Woo
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One of the sadder aspects of the BetonSports indictments and specifically the incarceration of that online gambling firm's founder, Gary Kaplan, has been its effects on the family.  Kaplan has young children who he deeply loved and would often parade around the Costa Rican-based BetonSports office.  It should also be noted that Kaplan's "tough guy" image would often be diminished on days when the local orphanages would stop by with the kids and Gary, along with his staff, would hand out candy and other goodies.

It can be said that Gary's kids have kept him strong.  Unfortunately, these days he only sees them every two weeks.

Kaplan, along with nearly a dozen other executives of BetonSports, were indicted back in July 2006 on charges that included money laundering and tax evasion.  Only Kaplan and former CEO, David Carruthers, are being held (Carruthers on house arrest but is allowed to roam freely) and await trial.  At its height, BetonSports employed over 1000 people and occupied 8 floors of a posh San Pedro, Costa Rica mall. 

I had a chance to sit down with Gary's wife, Holly, this past week to discuss the toll this is taking on her family.

"Personally, we have always found honesty to be the best policy (when it comes to the children)," Holly Kaplan said when asked if they were fully aware of what was transpiring with their father.  "The children are well aware of what is transpiring with their father, legally, but with the recent passing of their grandfather, this has created somewhat of a mental strain.  Nevertheless, we are finding strength in on another and in God."

As far as visitations go, they have decreased - and not by choice, Holly explains.

"Initially, we were able to visit Gary twice a week with non-contact visits.  However, since he has been relocated to a new facility, which is over an hour's drive from our home, we are reduced to visiting, again non-contact, once every two weeks.  In comparison to the visits the children had with their father in Puerto Rico, where they were able to have physical contact (i.e. sitting on his lap and having lunch), these here in Missouri are very strenuous on the entire family due to the fact that we are such a close-knit unit.

"In an effort to stay apprised of his children's studies, Gary receives, from his children, the books and reading material from their school lessons."

And faith has also played a pivotal role, especially with the holidays upon us once again. 

"Gary also attends Sunday sessions with the local ministries, despite being of Jewish decent.  His faith in God is great."

Jenny Woo, Senior Correspondent



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