Charles Barkley Controlling Gambling Appetite For Now

Charles Barkley is still drinking. But not driving at the same time.
He's not gambling. But just might take it up again one day.
His golf golf game is still not beautiful but it is getting prettier.
Barkley talked about his vices and passions while promoting the 20th annual American Century Celebrity Golf Championship starting on July 17.
Barkley said his DUI arrest was "a good thing" and it taught him that it is "stupid of you to drink and drive."
The Hall of Famer, once pursued by a casino to recover losses, says he hasn't "missed the gambling to be honest with you. I needed to take a break from gambling because I was losing. Nobody ever complains about gambling when you're winning. I've never heard a guy say, 'Hey, I'm winning too much money, I'm going to quit gambling.' But my gambling had gotten to be a problem. I said I was going to take some time off."
But he does have a tip. He's currently a 499-1 underdog to win the celebrity golf tournament. Barkley, who has been working with Tiger Woods' coach Hank Haney on his game, was 500-1 last year.
"You know what, I'm going down," said Barkley of the odds.