Congressman John Tierney Vows to Stay in Race Following Gambling Allegations
Massachusetts Congressman John Tierney has said he will stay in the race to hold his House seat despite allegations he knew of an “illegal” offshore wagering site that employed his wife Patrice.
Tierney’s wife served as an accountant for her brothers betting company based out of Antigua.
Tierney said he believed that his relatives — Robert and Daniel Eremian — were running a legitimate online gambling business until authorities told him that they were breaking the law, according to the Boston Globe. Last week, Daniel told the court that the Congressman was fully aware of the offshore gambling enterprise and the manner in which it operated.
The Eremian brothers operated one of the first licensed offshore gambling operations, Sports Off Shore, with its ironic web address of and acronym of SOS.
Tierney rebutted their claims during a 40 minute press conference, calling his brother-in-laws "bitter and angry".
While John is not accused of any wrongdoing, wife Patrice served 30 days in prison for her role in the business.
Former Republican state Sen. Richard Tisei, an openly gay abortion-rights supporter, hopes to capitalize on the controversy surrounding Tierney. His last opponent was unable to do so.
Tierney has once been considered as a possible Senate candidate to fill the vacant seat of the late Edward Kennedy.
- Gilbert Horowitz,