Former Indicted Miami Beach Mayor Advise to Ayre: RUN!

It's becoming more and more obvious that the United States government wants Bodog founder Calvin Ayre and they want him badly. This week learned that the U.S. Internal Revenue Service has filed court documents describing how Bodog used a string of companies in Malta to circumvent U.S. regulations so it could pay out customers residing in the States, according to the Malta Independent.
The IRS has already seized $24 million of Bodog's funds from U.S. payment processors and is pressing for more. They also want Mr. Ayre.
One of Calvin's colleagues, BetonSports founder, Gary Kaplan, is currently in a Missouri prison awaiting trial and potentially looking at serving a life sentence. That's because the Feds threw every charge at him they could from money laundering to tax evasion.
Unlike Kaplan, Ayre is in hiding.
Former Miami Beach Mayor, Alex Daud, advises Ayre to keep running.
"You can't beat the U.S. Government," Daud told Gambling911's own Jenny Woo.
Daud was a three term Mayor of Miami Beach during a time in which the city was considered one of America's most dangerous. Though he was credited with turning the city around, he paid a huge price. Daud ended up indicted by the U.S. Justice Department as part of a massive corruption probe. His book - The Sins of South Beach - is the true story of one of the most spectacular renovations that any city has ever undergone and of the seedy underside that fueled its fire. Filled with sex, drugs, violence, and corruptions, Mayor Daoud's life and career embodied South Florida during the 1980s. Sins of South Beach is the story of the rise of a city and the fall of its architect - and serves as a reminder that power is intoxicating.
Daud, who has plans on bringing Sins of South Beach to the big screen, with Jenny Woo playing the part of his one time lover, Bonnie, knows what it's like to fight the U.S. government and get nowhere. The book details the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on some of the best lawyers. Ultimately, he would enter a plea and serve only a short period of time in exchange for his cooperation in the expansive probe.
At the time he had considered fleeing - to counties the likes of Cuba or Antigua that did not have extradition treaties with the U.S.A.. Today, he regrets not doing so.
"Run, Run, Run!," he advises Ayre and anyone else who thinks they can take on the U.S. in a court of law. "Fighting the federal government is not something I would recommend. Depending on what you are charged with, I'd probably recommend that you disappear for a couple of years. Then come back."
Since Daud's indictment in the early 1990's, the number of countries that do not have extradition treaties with the U.S. has decreased. Only a few are even remotely appealing to someone the likes of Calvin Ayre.
He is known to travel to Vietnam, but would he really want to live there? His crew was once detained for taking photographs of government buildings.
Cuba is nice until you realize it's only 90 miles off the US coastline and likely to open up relations with the U.S. during the Obama administration. Fidel Castro is not expected to live long into Obama's first term either. Oh, and it's very poor.
There is Burkina Faso, a land-locked nation in West Africa, Chad, Gabon, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Iran, Mongolia, Nepal.
The United Arab Emirates might be right up his ally, though they block the website, not to mention
Israel might be Ayre's best option, even though they do have an extradition treaty with the U.S..
"They (the Israelis) were helping me," Daud told Ms. Woo. "The Israelis would say to me, "come back, we'll hide you".
Tel Aviv would also provide the perfect party lifestyle for Ayre.
And while Ayre could heed Mayor Daud's advise and "Run, Run, Run!", his biggest fears now might be U.S. authorities freezing more of his assets.
As for Mayor Daud, he looks forward to having more threesomes.
"Oh I hope so. (Haha) I hope someone takes pity on an old guy. I hope."
"They won't be with Calvin!" Woo ejaculated. "Unless we meet up with him in Burkina Faso!"
The Sins of South Beach Can Be Purchased Here
Christopher Costigan, Publisher