Man Indicted in Gambling Bust Faces Charges in Baby Beating

A Philadelphia man has been charged with violently beating his infant son.
Police told the Philadelphia Inquirer that the 32-year-old Henry Paris III arrived at the Upper Darby Police Department with family members and surrendered late Friday night.
Paris is being held on $225,000 cash bail. He faces up to 20 years behind bars for aggravated assault.
"He's in jail. He's in very very high bail, $225,000 dollars cash bail so he's not going anywhere," said Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood.
The three-month-old victim has been upgraded from critical to stable condition at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Paris is accused of beating his son so viciously on November 24 that the child suffered a fractured skull, blood on the brain and three broken ribs.
Paris is no stranger to the law. He was part of a multimillion dollar gambling operation in west Philadelphia that got busted back in May.