Neteller Scam: Former Customers Being Called

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Neteller Scam is warning its readers to be very cautious should they receive a phone call or email that claims to be from Neteller, the once prominent online gambling payment processing company that catered heavily to the North American market but was forced to pull out following a high profile arrest of both founders in early 2007. points out how the scam is being perpetrated:

The Off Shore Gambling Association has reported that a scam involving the Neteller name is being perpetrated by unknown persons who appear to be looking for personal information by calling former Neteller account holders and saying there is more money to be had if personal ID is given to initiate the return of funds. After contacting the Neteller offices a statement was issued confirming a scam is in place. The e-mail response from Neteller said, "All former NETELLER account holders in the US have been contacted by NETELLER as part of the Approved Distribution Plan for residual account balances. A final notice was issued by email to registered email addresses on 15 - 16 July with the final acceptance date for receipt of withdrawal requests being 26 July 2009. Other than for requests already received and/or being processed, any contact after this date would not originate from NETELLER."

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