Pay Per Head
Oregon Bookies - Portland, Eugene, Corvalis: It’s All About GoDucks
Oregon bookies are everywhere with plenty of business throughout the state thanks to its high profile college football programs. Looking for a bookie in the state of Oregon? RealBookies may be able to set you up with a trusted local.
Denver Bookies and BarBets App Now Available at Local Sports Bars

If you are a bookie in the Denver area, you’ll want to check out RiNo Beer Garden, Highland Tavern, Occidental and Whiskey Tango Fox Trot in 2024. It was just a decade ago that the BarBets app was introduced to patrons to place wagers on various sporting events. Back then, sports betting was not regulated in Colorado. Today it is.
Rhode Island, Providence Bookies Going Down in Latest Shakedown
Rhode Island is the latest state that is proving to be inhospitable to bookies.
On Friday, August 1, it was announced that a state grand jury had returned indictments in connection to an alleged sports betting ring operating in the northern part of the state.
Sentencing of Greenville Man Highlights South Carolina Zero Tolerance of Bookies, Gambling
The conviction and subsequent sentencing of a Greenville, South Carolina man this week charged with illegal gambling highlights that state’s policy towards eradicating the activity whether it be in the form of bookmaking, poker or video gaming machines.
PPH Football Betting -- Lynch May Force Seahawks to Make an Unpleasant Decision
When there is a major issue with a key player for the defending Super Bowl champions, that is something no PPH football bettor can rightfully ignore. When that issue involves a contract dispute, it gets a little stickier. And when it further involves someone who doesn't want to fulfill his contract, then things have the potential to really get complicated, because there is no reason for the team holding that contract to budge.
Iowa City, Cedar Rapids Bookies: Hawkeyes Expectations a Boost to Betting
Iowa City and Cedar Rapids, Iowa area bookies are readily available to serve the needs of those living in the region and studying at the University of Iowa.
Iowa City is home to the University of Iowa and its decent College Football team, the Hawkeyes.
Iowa is one of the least strict states when it comes to sports betting and bookmaking, both of which are considered misdemeanors. Prosecution of such activity is minimal in recent years.
PPH Pro Football Betting -- Odds on Big Apple NFL Teams Are Big
NFL training camps are getting started this week, and in two of these camps, representing the largest media market in the United States, there are quarterback questions.
Missouri Bookies: St. Louis, Columbia, Texas County, Shannon County More
No matter where you are located in the Show Me State of Missouri, local bookies are only a stone’s throw away. You just have to know how to find them.
Bookies in the Topeka, Manhattan, Kansas Area
Bookies can be found throughout the Manhattan and Topeka region of Kansas thanks to the hardcore sports fans backing local Kansas State University, home of the Wildcats. USA Today has pegged Kansas State to be one of the top 25 football programs in the nation for 2014, thus making the demand for Price Per Head outsourcing that much more important.
PPH World Cup Betting -- Americans Must Sit and Wait After Tie with Portugal
Was it a heart-breaking ending for the United States soccer team, not to mention PPH World Cup bettors who had a nice price on them to win, on Sunday in Manaus?
Pay Per Head Companies and Performance Reports
One of the biggest keys to running any type of business is to know the numbers inside and out. Just as a sports handicapper breaks down a particular matchup to uncover an edge in the betting lines for the game, as a bookmaker you need to constantly break down your business’s numbers to turn a profit on a regular basis.
The Price Per Head Revolution - By Way of WagerHome
We all know that sports betting is one of the most popular gambling-related activities in the world, and it is certainly one of the drivers for the boom in sports of all kinds in the United States.
Pay Per Head Sports Betting Software: The Real Bookies Benefit
God only knows there are several dozen Pay Per Head software platforms out there. You can check out the endorsed pay per heads right here on the website.