Winning Sports Advice App – The Wave of the Future

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WSA sports pick app

Mobile is clearly the wave of the future.  At this writing, in the fall of 2010, there are 120 million Apple mobile devices.  250,000 Apps will generate $3 billion in 2011.  These numbers grow as you read this.

We are nearly 20 years out from the advent of the Internet.  It revolutionized the transfer of information and communication.  Much like the invention of the car and airplane afforded us freedom of movement 100 years ago. 

Now, everyone wants the best of both worlds.  Freedom to access information and communicate, without being at a desk, looking at a computer.  Mobile! 

This concept is perfect for people on the go who want to receive my Winning Sports Advice.  Much as I have been at the forefront of pioneering other areas of the Sports Information Industry, since the 1970’s, I have taken the lead in developing the Winning Sports Advice App.  

I built this App for my customers to see schedules, look at my selections, and purchase advice from anywhere in the world on their iPhone .  Out at a bar on Saturday night?  Want my picks for your home team’s game tomorrow?  No problem.  Just select the game and purchase.

No longer do you have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars for service.  It’s the iTunes model!  You can make small, game by game purchases, where you want, when you want, with no long term commitment.  Like I said, its’ like being at a singles bar on Saturday night, total Freedom!

Let me tell you how easy this is to use:

·         Go to your Winning Sports Advice App

·         Select the sport of your choice

·         Select your game (or games) to purchase

·         Touch the green button to purchase

·         Confirm you purchase

·         Selections appear in text and/or audio

That’s all there is to it!  Easy!  Prices are lower than anywhere in the Industry, as low as $1.99 per winner.  Everyday there are even 1 to 3 FREE selections.  Try it, you’ll love it.

Go to Winning Sports Advice in your iTunes App store or just follow this link


by Joe Gavazzi

Gambling News
