Yahoo! to Enter Daily Fantasy Sports Sector

Long established in the world of season-long fantasy sports, Yahoo! CEO Melissa Mayer announced this week that the multinational Internet corporation and search engine powerhouse will be entering the real money daily fantasy sports market this summer.
During Tuesday’s Q1 2015 Results - Earnings Call, Mayer’s issued the following statement:
For more than 16 years we’ve built the best fantasy sports experiences for our fans. Our users spend nearly 30 billion minutes a year playing fantasy sports on Yahoo!. And nearly all of those experiences have involved traditional season-long fantasy games.
Recently there was a rising trend around daily fantasy games. We believe this is an area where Yahoo! can and should compete. Over the past year, we have been working hard to create our daily fantasy offering, a unique take on this game genre to bolster our leadership in fantasy sports.
Normally we do not announce products before launch but this has been such an area of interest for our fantasy players and our investors that we wanted to announce that we have a new daily fantasy offering in the works that will launch this summer.
Daily Fantasy Sports is expected to be a billion dollar industry in the coming years with the first ever Daily Fantasy Sports Expo to be held in Miami Beach, Florida this coming August 6-7.
- Aaron Goldstein,