Attorney Who Tried to Kill Handicapper Violates Parole, May Go Back to Prison

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WHITEHALL, Pa. -- An attorney who was imprisoned and then paroled for trying to kill a noted sports handicapper has violated the terms of his parole and may be headed back to prison, Gambling 911 can reveal in a world exclusive report!

The attorney, Robert F. Creem of Whitehall, last year with his car tried three times to run over and kill noted sports handicapper Dale "The Philly Prince" Stickel, also of Whitehall.

Each time Stickel was able to jump out of the way and avoid injury.

The incidents took place outside a condominium complex in Whitehall where both resided.

After the incidents, Creem, 70, a former customer of Stickel, was arrested and charged in the attempted vehicular assaults.

Earlier this year, after appearing in Lehigh County Court in Allentown, Pa., Creem copped a plea.

He admitted in court that he tried to run over the capper and blamed his actions on "mental illness" and the fact that he had stopped taking his prescribed medication.

Judge Kelly Banach wasn't impressed with Creem's explanation and sentenced the wayward attorney to 9 to 23 months in Lehigh County Prison in Allentown.

Shockingly, Creem was paroled and released from prison after serving just two weeks behind bars.

As part of his parole agreement, Creem, now disbarred, had to leave the state and have no contact with Stickel.

Since March, Creem has been living with his brother in Michigan.

But, according to Stickel, Creem recently sent several text messages to the handicapper's phone, a clear violation of the attorney's parole.

"A few days ago, Creem sent me three texts," Stickel told Gambling 911 in an exclusive interview conducted Thursday at the capper's condo.

"I couldn't believe it--he wanted handicapping info," Stickel said.

"In one text he asked me about the Red Sox' chances and in the other texts he asked about football," the handicapper continued. "It was like nothing ever happened between us. Like he didn't try to murder me three times. Like it was just an old customer checking in with his handicapper in preparation of the football season beginning. I was shocked!"

Stickel told Gambling 911 that under the terms of Creem's parole, Creem is not allowed to have physical contact with or be in the vicinity of the capper, and is not allowed to contact or communicate with the capper in any way.

"He is not allowed to call me on the phone, write me a letter, email me, text me, fax me or send a message by passenger pigeon," Stickel said. "No communication whatsoever. Period. His text messages to my phone clearly violated this.

"If I show the texts to the judge, Creem will likely go back to prison, for violation of parole," Stickel continued. "I haven't decided whether I want to do that or not. I've been meeting with my attorney and discussing my options.

"On one hand, the guy tried to kill me, three times, so of course I want to see him in prison. But on the other hand, he is in Michigan and out of my hair, and I don't know if I want to go through all this hassle again, going to court and meeting with the judge. I need time to think all this over."

Stickel, who takes his capping alias "The Philly Prince" from his hometown of Philadelphia, has worked in all aspects of the sports betting industry.

Before establishing his website Atlantic City Odds ( and his Twitter feed phillyprince1 and becoming a professional sports handicapper and bettor, he worked on the other side of the counter, as a bookmaker at English Sports Betting (ESB) in Montego Bay, Jamaica, one of the world's first offshore sports betting operations.

While at ESB, he co-hosted with former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon the long-running, ESB-sponsored "Las Vegas Sporting News Radio Show," a weekly nationally-broadcast radio program about sports handicapping and sports wagering.

He also appeared on the short-lived "Las Vegas Sporting News Television Show," which aired in several minor TV markets.

Now, as one of the top cappers in the country, Stickel has won several handicapping contests in Las Vegas and includes several former and current professional athletes among his capping clients.

By Tom Somach

Gambling 911 Staff Writer

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