Pig-Mask Bellagio Robbery Suspect Captured

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(Associated Press) - A 20-year-old man is believed to have worn a pig mask during a weekend smash-and-grab burglary at a luxury watch and jewelry store at the Bellagio, police said Monday.

Sebastian Gonzalez was being held at the Clark County jail pending a court appearance Wednesday at which he is expected to have an attorney appointed to represent him on felony conspiracy, burglary, attempted robbery and weapon charges.

Gonzalez was believed to have worn a pig mask during the break-in and burglary a little before 1 a.m. Saturday at the Tesorini store, which was closed at the time, Metro Police Officer Laura Meltzer said. A second suspect wore a cat mask and third one wore a panda mask.

Initial reports that gunshots were fired appeared to stem from people misinterpreting the sharp sound of sledgehammers shattering glass jewelry cases, Meltzer said.

Police didn't say what was taken in the heist.

Gonzalez was in a casino parking garage, but three other male suspects got away after police said one pointed what appeared to be a handgun at a security guard.

The suspects briefly tried to take cars from two drivers before fleeing out of the parking structure, Meltzer said.

No injuries were reported in the initial break-in, the confrontation with the security guard or the carjacking attempts.

Officer Larry Hadfield said investigators were reviewing casino security video, but it would not be made public pending court proceedings.

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