Professional Gambling - how they do it

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Who wouldn’t like a glamorous life of a professional gambler? Luxury hotels, easy working hours, lots of cash - the whole nine yards. Unfortunately being a professional gambler isn’t usually looking like the media is portraying it. 

There are several different ways of being professional gambler. For example, you can make a living out of these types of gambling:


  • Sportsbook

  • Horses

  • Poker

  • Slots (very hard, not advisable)


This article is all about tips and tricks you should take into consideration, when deciding if you want to pursue a life of a true professional gambler. We feel that it is also necessary to say, that being a professional gambler is not advisable, and we do not recommend pursuing this type of career. There are way easier jobs out there, with less risks involved. However, IF you decide to be a professional gambler, this is how you should start. 


Get your head straight

Doesn’t matter which type of gambling your involved, it requires massive amounts of self discipline and stability. Making gambling your main source of income means that you’re going to face setbacks and losses along the way - this is something you do not encounter in “normal” jobs. It might feel now that you can handle the stress, but what happens when your rent is due and the football team you just depended to get your monthly income fixed, decided to blow a 3-0 lead in the dying minutes of the match? That kind of stuff happens more often you care to admit, and if your head isn’t on a right place, you’re going to have a bad time. 

Maybe we should also add, that if you ever find yourself in a situation where your monthly income is determined by ONE football match, you’re doing something wrong and professional gambling isn’t probably good idea for you…

All in all, make sure you’re mentally in a good place as you’re going to need every bit of self patience you can get. 


Secure your financials BEFORE you start

Don’t put all your eggs on the same basket. I am sure you’ve heard this before, but it couldn’t be more true when it comes to gambling. There’s going to be variance, there’s going to be a dry drought of maybe months (not always!), and you need to be financially set, or otherwise everything starts to crumble. For example, your mental wellbeing is slowly starting to decline, if you need to start worrying where’s the next meal is coming from. Make sure you’re financially ready to take some losses before you aim to become a professional gambler. 


Stay away from slots - only use them for fun!

Yes, slots can make your whole world go around, but the truth is, there aren’t many who can make a living out of slots. Slots are completely random and based on luck, so why do we even bother putting on them to this list? Well, most people who play slots and make them their main source of income, are actually generating their profits through different bonuses and bonus programs. We’ll get back to that on our future articles. 

If you want to play slots, do it for fun, but we would not recommend playing them as your main source of income. A good place to start is probably a place where you can find new online casinos listed in one place (in Finland, where these kind of casinos are the most popular sites, they are called “uudet nettikasinot”). 


Study, and when you’re done, study some more

Gamblers who are playing professionally right now, are probably studying stuff more than others. There is no easy way of being on top of the world and you really need to work for it - so to speak. Keep improving yourself, make sure you’re not missing out. Always make sure you’re the hardest worker in the room, as that is THE ONLY WAY make sure you’re giving yourself a best possible chance in succeeding. 

We’re living in a world where every single piece of information is easily accessible, and there should be no excuses of why you wouldn’t be able to learn something new. Expand your field of expertise and you’ll be surprised of how much better you’re probably going to do in the future!

….And finally, remember to have fun! You shouldn’t work because you have to, you should work because you want you. If being professional gambler is something you truly desire, then go for it. Why wait? Life is way too short of waiting chances that will probably never happen. Have fun, and good luck!


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