Vegas Looking to Take Bets on eSports…. Nothing to Prevent This in Regulations

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  • Regulators looking to tread slowly even though there is nothing that should prevent eSports betting
  • Another hearing is scheduled for August
  • eSports could provide tremendous economic boom for Nevada
  • International online gambling sites have started offering betting on eSports already

Las Vegas regulators are very interested in the prospect of betting on eSports but admit this probably won’t happen until the end of this year the earliest. 

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Current regulations, in theory, allow for the Vegas sportsbooks and others throughout the state to begin taking bets on eSports tomorrow if they wished. There is nothing in the state statutes to prevent this from happening.

It’s really just a matter of having all their ducks in a row.  After all, Daily Fantasy Sports were believed to be legal in most US states, that is until a few Attorney Generals began cracking down on the cash contests claiming they skirted state anti-gambling laws.

Governor Brian Sandoval, who chairs the Gaming Policy panel, has scheduled a hearing on the subject for August. 

eSports could provide a tremendous economic boom for the state of Nevada.

From the Las Vegas Review Journal:

Steve Hill, who heads the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, pointed to e-sports as a prime example of the type of industry the state is seeking to diversify the economy. It’s an industry related to the state’s primary economic asset, gaming and tourism, it touches the high-tech sector, and it has the potential of drawing international interest. E-sports already is big business in Europe and Asia.

By waiting though Nevada risks falling behind as they have with online poker and Daily Fantasy Sports.  International online gambling firms the likes of Bookmaker have already begun offering bets on eSports competitions in recent months while fantasy providers are also investing heavily in the sector.

Art Manteris, vice president of race and sports operations at Station Casinos, told the LVRJ that part of the delay will be finding and training individuals who can set lines on these events and move them accordingly.  As great an oddsmaker as Manteris may be, he admits to knowing nothing about eSports.

One of the greater obstacles may be the Nevada age restrictions. 

Craig Levine, CEO of Electronic Sports League North America and founder of the e-sports Team 3D, says the average starting age for entering a league is late teens with many of the top players exiting in their early 20’s.  Nevada gaming laws prevent those under the age of 21 from gambling at state casinos.

- Aaron Goldstein,

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