Employees Attempt to Clear up Confusion Regarding Ownership
Immediately following the seizure of’s domain name last month in what is being called “Blue Monday” (a take on the “Black Friday” title given to the much bigger seizures of PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and’s websites April 15), shut its business down without paying either players or employees. The website, a top advertising partner for BetED, claimed the company was completely broke and that US authorities had froze most of the firm’s funds. Former employees of the company say otherwise.
The website spoke to a few who say that – at most – was only out a mere couple hundred thousand. In the world of online gambling, that’s just a drop in the bucket. Another company, Bookmaker, had several of its websites seized along with funds the same day as BetED. Bookmaker did not skip a beat and met every payout request within a matter of days.
“The loss of a couple hundred grand shouldn’t have counted as a mortal blow,” The website suggests.
There are many questions to ask the owners of such as “When will players get paid?”
But there is a slight problem when it comes to tracking down the owners of BetED. They seem more elusive than Osama Bin Laden.
“Pinning down the ownership of betED is a bit like trying to figure out which ass**** in a crowded elevator just farted,” the website notes.
The two men implicated as part of a sting operation orchestrated in Maryland, USA, insist they are not the rightful owners.
Darren Wright and David Parchomchuk (try saying that one three times real fast) were named as owners in the complaint. A source close to tells the site that Wright routinely claimed he was the owner. A source clarified that Wright ran the business from one of the most “luxurious” offices in all of Costa Rica. Wright is also said to own a multi-million dollar property outside of San Jose.
The website continues to imply heavily that maintained a heavy stake in, even publishing an “unconfirmed” report that Covers ordered to pull the plug., meanwhile, has just discovered that Darren Wright and Dave Parchomchuk booked flights to the US last week.
Where? Baltimore, Maryland!
- Chris Costigan, Publisher