One Last Time: NJ Heads to Court Over Sports Betting Legalization

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Associated Press
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One Last Time: NJ Heads to Court Over Sports Betting Legalization

NEWARK, N.J. — (Associated Press) - The 2 1/2-year legal battle over sports gambling in New Jersey is moving back to court.

Lawyers representing the state will argue before the 3rd U.S. Circuit of Appeals in Philadelphia on Tuesday. They'll be opposed by attorneys representing the NCAA and the four major pro sports leagues.

The leagues sued the state in 2012 to stop New Jersey from going ahead with a law allowing sports gambling. Currently only Nevada allows betting on individual games at betting locations known as sports books.

New Jersey wants to offer sports gambling at racetracks and casinos to help resuscitate those flagging industries.

The state has already endured a series of court defeats, but cites a 2013 court ruling it says allows it to repeal laws against sports gambling.

Gambling News

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