What Are Price Per Head Agents? Are They The Same as Bookies?

Written by:
Aaron Goldstein
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What Are Price Per Head Agents?  Are They The Same as Bookies?

The concept of a Price Per Head agent is essentially the same as a bookie and is only a question of semantics when you incorporate the PPH element.  

Without the use of a Pay Per Head service, the agent is typically someone who works on behalf of the bookie and receives a percentage for recruiting customers.  With the PPH, the agent is essentially doing this on their behalf under his or her sheet. 

Price Per Head agents are responsible for paying the PPH operation a set price per customer on a weekly basis.

When selecting a Price Per Head shop be sure to inquire about pricing.  Long established PayPerHead.com has been in business for well over 15 years now and offers solutions starting at $5 per head.

A full suite of online player management tools featuring detailed info that include player figures, pending transactions, agent reports through your smartphone and the most comprehensive sports offering is also provided. - Aaron Goldstein, Gambling911.com

Gambling News

Pay Per Head for Dummies

Gamblilng911.com looks at the benefits of using a Pay Per Head throughout the year, and it is here where we need to impress upon folks that sports betting does NOT end when the Super Bowl winner is declared. 
