Horse Betting Over 100 Tracks Online and the Pay Per Head That Offers Them

Written by:
Ean Lamb
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The great benefit about using an offshore Pay Per Head is the amount of horse racing options from across the globe that a local bookie simply cannot provide.

PricePerPlayer’s Pay Per Head horse betting is considered among the industry’s finest with offerings on over 1000 tracks.

While everyone is so hooked on Football this time of year, one of horse racing’s biggest events, the Breeder’s Cup, enjoyed plenty of attention this past weekend and it's just a matter of time before the Kentucky Derby prep races get underway, many of which attract a significant number of bettors.  The Triple Crown, and the Kentucky Derby, is typically the most wagered on one day event in North America after the Super Bowl, though in 2017 the Derby actually drew more interest here at 

"Bookmakers that take a pass on offering their players the opportunity to place bets on the ponies are not only doing themselves a huge disservice but also costing themselves potential revenues", suggests.

The Pay Per Head racing software gives your players the option to place horse racing wagers either via telephone or internet including any mobile device, from smart phones to i–PADs.

The company is currently offering a two week free trial.

- Ean Lamb,

Horse Racing News
