Reputed Mobster ‘Skinny Joe’ Due in Court Friday After Massive Sweep

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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Associated Press) - The flamboyant alleged head of the Philadelphia mob is scheduled to be in a Florida court Friday to determine whether he should be held without bond and sent to New York City to face racketeering charges.

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Joseph "Skinny Joey" Merlino, 54, is scheduled to appear before a federal magistrate judge in West Palm Beach on charges that he was part of a health care fraud scheme in which conspirators got corrupt doctors to bill insurers for unnecessary and excessive prescriptions for expensive compound creams in exchange for kickbacks.

Merlino, who lives in Boca Raton, was one of nearly four dozen reputed members of an East Coast crime syndicate who were charged last week with racketeering and various crimes including extortion, loansharking, casino-style gambling, sports gambling, credit card fraud and health care fraud. Federal prosecutors say the syndicate operated in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, and New Jersey.

Merlino served nearly 12 years in prison for racketeering before being released in 2011. He went back to prison in 2014 for three months for violating his parole by socializing with Philadelphia mobster John "Johnny Chang" Ciancaglini at a Florida cigar bar.

Prosecutors allege in their indictment that Merlino has "been captured on recordings supervising a number of individuals, questioning whether certain associates were 'rats.' "

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In court documents arguing against Merlino's release, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for Manhattan, notes Merlino's criminal record and his "long history" as a Mafia leader.

"His demonstrated unwillingness to refrain from committing serious crimes while under court supervision, make him a danger to the community sufficiently serious that detention pending trial is required," Bharara wrote.

While living in Florida, Merlino lent his name to an Italian restaurant in Boca Raton, Merlino's, which opened and closed last year. Because of his criminal record, Merlino couldn't own the liquor license so he was listed as the maître d.

Merlino attorney David Roth did not respond to phone messages and emails seeking comment Thursday.

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