Dan Colman Started Playing Online Poker at Age 16
In an interview for Paul Phua Poker, one of the biggest money earners in the game, says he started playing online poker at the age of 16 via a sports betting website.
“I started playing a lot when I was 16 to 17, and I was mainly playing heads up sit-and-gos online,” he reveals in the interview. “It was on a sports betting website where when I didn’t have bets that night and I had money in the account, I’d go over to the poker site and I’d play heads up sit-and-gos. And then from there I joined Full Tilt Poker and I met Olivier Busquet, ‘livb112’, and he was one of the best heads up sit-and-go players on the site, and we got to talking. Then next thing you know, he offers to stake me; and as soon as he offered to stake me I went into work the next day, quit, took a stake, and he helped me along the way.”