MGM China Now Joins Hands With Fighters Of Modern Day Slavery In Macau

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MGM China, a facility that is under MGM Resorts is joining hands in the fight of modern-day slavery.  The casino signs a deal to take part in ending the slave and sex trade to show its commitment. 

In 2014, many images were spreading through social media. Many ladies walk the streets at late night. One particular image shows half-naked women parade along Lisboa Hotel lobby.  Through the years, reports are showing such acts. Many commercial sex workers are wandering in Macau. Because Macau is China’s most exotic resort, you can imagine the target. A lot of people are in this sex and slavery trade. For this reason, MGM China is signing a deal. In the deal, the casino is pledging to take part. The aim is to be a responsible facility in ending this vice.

The state of this kind of slavery is rampant in the world. The Mekong from Hong Kong conducts a survey. This nonprofit organization says that there is slavery everywhere. It points that 45.8 million people are languishing in slavery. The Mekong Club says that if they don’t live in slavery, they live in such conditions. The exciting part of the study is the focus. According to this club, countries with higher rates are China and South Korea. Others are Taiwan and India.

In the pledge, MGM China agrees to take an active role in combating sex and slavery. It is not an easy thing. But the facility commits itself to take an active part.  The resort should ensure that there are practical steps. The aim is to prevent slavery as well as sex trafficking.

Mekong Club started this program a couple of months ago. All the club needs are for signatories to come up with a practical plan. The plan each signatory will come up with must be actionable. It must contain practical steps the facility takes to end the voice. MGM China, part of the grand MGM Resorts owns and operates MGM Macau. Above all, this is a magnificent casino and resort in Macau. The subsidiary is also the owner of MGM Cotai. The latter is a $3.3 billion facility that will open in February 2018.

By signing the ‘End Slavery and Sex Trafficking’ deal, it makes it the sixth casino. Otherwise, it is the first gaming conglomerate to do so. Speaking after the signing of the deal, MGM China CEO says they are proud. He points out that they are happy in parting in a transforming exercise. “We believe we’re taking a public stance. Above all, this shows our commitment.  We also hope that this move will contribute to encouraging others to join the fight,” Grant Bowie says. See how  MGM CASINO Feels That Trump Is A Threat To U.S.A. Tourism, Casino Sectors over here.

On his part, Mekong Club CEO Matt Friedman says 66,000 are now free from slavery last year. Also,  this shows that the efforts are yielding.  In December last year, Bowie admits that sex trafficking is live. It happens in Macau. He points out that it is happening in MGM China and other facilities. Bowie concedes when he says, “At the level of sex workers, clearly in our properties, we accept that it occurs.”

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