Books Need Another Win for Raptors in Game 4

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Mary Montgomery
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Not all books are created equal it seems.  One of the books will get hit hard if the Golden State Warriors win outright Friday night.

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With the exception of PointsBet, most of the spread action was fairly balanced. 

David Payne Purdum tweeted out the following action coming into Friday's Game 4 of the 2019 NBA Finals.

Raptors at Warriors (-4.5, 215): 59 percent of point-spread, 81 percent of point-spread money on the Warriors @PlaySugarHouse sportsbooks.

About as even as you can get @FDSportsbook: 51 percent of point-spread bets, 52 percent of point-spread money on the Warriors.
FanDuel reports taking a $500 bet on Kyle Lowry to win Final MVP at 150-1 and another $500 bet on Lowry from same customer at 80-1.

Raptors at Warriors (-5, 215): 53 percent of the point-spread bets, 66 percent of the point-spread money is on the Warriors @DKSportsbook.

Raptors at Warriors (-4.5, 215.5): 58 percent of point-spread bets, 69 percent of point-spread money is on the Raptors @SuperBookUSA. The book took a $182,000 money-line bet on the Warriors early in the day.

Raptors at Warriors (-4.5, 215): 65% of point-spread bets, 68% of point-spread money is on Toronto at N.J. sportsbook @PointsBetUSA. "Crazy. If you told me before the playoffs that we’d need the Warriors in consecutive games at home in the Finals….would have been a good laugh!"

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