The Life of a Bookmaker Nowadays
What is life like being a bookmaker? The life of a bookmaker is often fun, it’s certainly busy this time of the year and it should be profitable. Maybe you are currently a bookie on some level and you a trying to expand or see the bottom line show better numbers. Possibly you are an aspiring bookie and you have a handful of clients, but you really aren’t seeing the profits that you had once hoped for. Now is the time to turn your fate around and start seeing those profits. The life of a bookmaker can be hard work, or it can be easy street. The choice is up to you. The pay per head industry has come along and changed everything. You can finally earn a nice salary doing this gig, and you know longer have to grind it out every day killing yourself. Stop the insanity and start rewarding your efforts.
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Must-haves for every bookie:
● An online presence: The pay per head gives you the online presence that you must have to serve the needs of your clients. Without an online presence, you can’t expect to grow, and you certainly can’t expect to keep the clients you already have. They want to gamble 24/7 and you certainly want them gambling whenever they chose to do so. This means added revenue in your pocket and most of all, client loyalty.
● A personal accountant: This may sound like a luxury that you can’t afford but nothing could be further from the truth. For the low cost of around $7 per head, you can have the personal accountant that you have always needed. The pay per head is your accountant. They do all of the paperwork for you and they take care of everything when it comes to the balance sheet. They give you access to on-demand reports that show exactly how much money you are spending; how much you are winning and how much you are losing. Now you can stay on top of every player as well as know where each dollar is being spent.
● A wagering clerk: Just as with an accountant, you probably never thought you could afford to hire someone to sit at a desk all day and accept wagers. Now you have this luxury and the beauty of the wagering clerk, they work 24/7. The pay per head is your wagering clerk and the bookie software they provide takes every wager. You never have to receive a phone call. Should there be a problem, your client has access to an 800 number, they can simply call and make their wager over the phone.
● Someone to grade bet slips: This job is a hassle that must be done no matter what the circumstance. Grading bet slip is unavoidable, and they should be graded within 10-minutes of the end of the event. This job can be time-consuming, and you can sit up until the wee hours of the morning on busy weekends. The pay per head automatically grades all bet slips and updates the player's account.
● Oddsmaker/Line Setter: This is another “must-have”. You cannot cut corners in this department. You must be offering the daily lines and odds very early in the day and often the night before. You must stay sharp, you need competitive lines, or your clients will go elsewhere to find them. Chances are, you are not an experienced oddsmaker and even if you are, do you really want to spend most of your evenings and morning setting the lines? Remember, without a pay per head, you must accept all wagers over your personal phone and grade all bet slips. Are you sure you don’t need help with setting the daily lines and odds?
● Fantastic customer service: You must be offering it at all times of the day and night. There will be issues and you must be prepared to solve them. What you must do is be on call 24/7 and be prepared to speak with clients any time they need your assistance. Is this what you had in mind when you thought “oh I’ll open up a bookie service with a few clients, it’ll be fun”. Yeah – probably not. The pay per head is your customer service. Your clients call them and speak with a gaming-friendly agent.
No matter what your goal is or why you may be in the bookie business a pay per head can help you do the grunt work. Lean on them, trust them and find one that’s willing to give you a free trial and test the product before paying any fees.
Learn more about Pay Per Head:
1. How Real Bookies Stacks Up Against the Competition
2. Player Management Reports With Pay Per Head Bookie Software
3. Pay Per Head Bookie Software Cash Flow Reports
4. Pay Per Head “Adjust the Juice” Options
5. Pay Per Head Enhances Bookie Revenue